• We are currently experiencing a flood of requests from bots scraping the forums. Unfortunately it has gotten to the point where it is negatively impacting the site. As a result the forums may be slow and you may periodically experiance an error message. We are aware of the problem and apologize for the inconvenience.
  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
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  1. R3i


    CLOSED LF: Slither Wing Sandy Shocks Hydreigon Stonjourner Drifloon Great Tusk Scream Tail Brute Bonnet Flutter Mane Koraidon (touch trade) FT: Violet exclusives
  2. S

    Sysbot for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

    I have heard that there is a sysbot that is capable of generating shiny Pokemon on Discord. Could you tell me where I might be able to locate one and explain to me how it functions?