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  1. Wulava

    Pokemon Sword & Shield - HELP THREAD (Don't ask about Victini)

    This thread is for any QUESTIONS & ANSWERS regarding the game. Your questions may not be answered immediately, so please be patient. We highly suggest that you look through these dedicated sections first to help find answers. Pokemon Sword & Shield Game Info Gen 8 Pokedex Please do not spam...
  2. Namohysip

    Death Is Lonely

    Yveltal lives a quiet, sad life of killing only when ordered. Despite her benevolent intentions, her position in the pantheon is loathed, and the mortals shun her. Xerneas, who is always bothered by Yveltal's treatment and also beginning to loathe mortals himself, comes up with an idea that can...
  3. Z

    LF zeraora

    looking for zeraora Willing to trade Shiny event xerneas Shiny event yveltal Magearna Jirachi Genesect Manaphy Darkrai Arceus Shiny competitive greninja Keldeo Victini Shaymin Hoopa
  4. W

    Looking to trade March code for April/May codes

    I had two emails signed up properly for the Heatran/Regigigas email distribution in March however NEITHER of them ever came. So frustrating! I'm hoping someone might still have extra codes they're willing to trade. I have a bunch of extra codes from Target in April for Raikou/Entei and four...