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complete pokedex

  1. H

    Complete pokedex need few Pokémon

    I just need a Koffin and a omanyte will give a strong Pokémon of your choice in return also need to trade graveler and machoke but not important since I already have evolved forms just want stronger ones
  2. SorcererPikachu5X5

    Looking for SHINY Gen 4 Legends for Pokémon Home

    UPDATE: I've completed my Pokédex, so I'm in no rush to accomplish something or look for specific Pokémon. However, if you do have any legendary mythical Pokémon that are shiny, then I'll be happy to do a trade. Let me know which shinies I have that you want to trade. I'm even open to do a...
  3. BlueBloodPenn

    Help to Finish Shield Dex (UDPATE - Got it all thanks!)

    I'm hoping someone with Sword can help me with finishing my dex. I need the following: Seedot Flapple (or just a Tart Apple) Swirlix (trade with a Whipped Dream, I have one if required) Aromatisse (I can trade the Spritzee with satchet if required) Corsola (galarian) Gothita Karrablast trade...
  4. K

    I need help completing Pokédex. Just Kabuto

    Im so close to completing the Pokédex but I can’t seem to finish it I want to start shiny hunting. I just need 3 Pokémon. I need kabuto & mew. I need Kabuto please with that is a big help
  5. O

    Completing Galar-dex

    Hey everyone, I’m just looking for a few Pokemon so I can complete the Pokédex in Pokemon shield. The Pokemon I currently need are: Gothita Solrock Flapple Slurpuff Scraggy Mawile Turtonator Stonjourner And zacian I can trade for version exclusives you may need. In regards to zacian I don’t...
  6. O

    I want to trade with someone who have shield and complete your and mine pokedex

    i want complete pokedex and i will help you to comlete it too if you are ineterested there is my friend code in nintendo switch 7742 2778 2397 i can give you pokemon back after unlocking it in pokedex