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  1. Amethyste

    Amethyste's Little Breeding Corner [IVs, Aprimons, Hidden Abilities, Egg moves]

    Welcome to my Little Breeding Corner! INFO I'll be way less active now due to my vacation being over. Please be patient with the trades, going to add a trading list now for convenience. All my breeds are german. All my breeds in the Available section can be either competitive (=perfect IV...
  2. 13mjvr

    13mjvr's Trading Thread - 5 IVs Competitive, Apricorn, Matching Ball and more!

    Hi trainers! I am currently breeding perfect Pokemon for VGC 2020 and inside cool matching balls. Click in the following link where you can check all my available pokémon in a confortable Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M5kI1ofxcDyNDZaDmFZh8j0X0YBzLzdu-BkwtUud2mE I am...
  3. Zold

    Zold's Sword and Shield Breeding Grounds (IV-bred Pokémon)

    Zold's Sword and Shield Breeding Grounds Welcome to my 8th gen trade shop! This generation I will be back with perfect Pokémon, bred in aesthetically pleasing balls, with Egg Moves and everything your heart desires (that's the aim at least!) The thread is still much a work in progress, so bear...