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  1. S

    Help needed

    I've been holding on to a pokemon card since about 1999/2000. It belongs to my son. I think its a topp tv animation edition hologram Machamp with beedrill info on the reverse
  2. S

    Is Error Code 2123-0217 a common thing when trying to surprise trade?

    I've been wondertrading for the past few hours just because i'm bored and I can't go a single time without atleast 3 attempts to trade and getting hit with the error code forcing me to try again and again until it works. Any fix for this? My internet is fine i'm 99% sure it's not the issue but idk.
  3. lunistg

    Living Dex, Pokemon Bank Issue

    Not sure where else to put this, but is anyone else having issues with Pokemon Bank ignoring Pokemon in its Pokedex? I have a complete Living Dex (Bulbasaur to Zeraora) but bank's Pokedex claims I don't have Naganadel, Stakataka or Zeraora. I tried moving them to bank, to the party, and to...
  4. N

    Error- No pokemon spawns, no raid battles.

    Anyone else having an error where they are having no pokemon spawn (except in the first 30 sec's of logging in). Also No raid battles showing. (which has completely stalled my research). I have reported these errors but I'm getting no reply's and no help. I've uninstalled, reinstalled. I'm...