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hyper training

  1. Bimby

    SWSH LF Diancie (any) FT Zamazenta, Spectrier, Assorted Shinies

    I am looking to complete my Pokédex, and all I need is Diancie. This trade would take place in SWSH. The following Shines are up for trade. Treecko Golduck Ponyta(Kanto). Let me know if interested. I can applyNature Mints, Ability patch/Capsule, and Hyper Training per your request.
  2. Sandra Meland

    Problem with lowering/reseting EVs

    Hi! Trying to decrease my Togekiss' attack and HP stat to make room for max speed, but when I feed it any of the EV-lowering berries it just says "It won't have any effect". I also can't use Carbos, or even a Swift Feather to increase its speed stat. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? To...