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item trade

  1. N

    Razor Fang (BDSP)

    Can someone please trade me one too? I’d much appreciate it! I’ll trade a kadabra so someone can have a alakazam.
  2. S

    LF Water Stone

    hello ! i only nees one more water stone so i can complete the dex but i play bd so they're so rare can somebodh hand me one ? i can hand you thunder or fire stones, or even exclusives mons !
  3. CaptainPileDriver

    Need items to evolve my magmar and misdreavus

    looking for a magmarizer and a dusk stone so i can finally evolve those two, if anyone is willing to help lmk
  4. CaptainPileDriver

    In need of Magmarizer and dusk stone (BDSP)

    Just looking for these items so i can finally get my magmortar and mismagius, if you're willing to part with either of these items lmk thank you
  5. S

    In desperate need of help BDSP

    I have come to you all in a time of desperation, I need some help with brilliant diamond, I get the game later today ( as long as shipping doesnt delay again) and I really want to use three of my favorite pokemon for my play through, however I cant get their evolution items until post game or...
  6. T

    LF: Ability Patch

    I just got back into the game and I hatched a Litten with the wrong ability and I do not have access to the new DLC atm :'( As I just got back I don't have too much unfortunately, especially new stuff FT: I have a few extra 5IV dittos, I have some 5 and 6 IV breedjects of Impidimp, Cottonee...
  7. O

    Milcery Evolution Berry Sweets

    I'm hoping for at least one Berry Sweet to evolve Milcery, i don't have much but i do have these: Strawberry Sweet x3 Love Sweet x4 Clover Sweet x1 Flower Sweet x2 Ribbon Sweet x1 Or if you have something this in mind I could see if I have it
  8. ShadowJourney

    LF Alcremie and their evolution items

    I'm mostly looking for Flower, Ribbon, and Star sweets. Strawberry sweets are fairly easy to get so I'm not really looking for those. I'd also like the Ribbon, Clover, Blueberry, and Heart sweets. I'm offering evolution stones and items, Pokemon (ask and I'll see if I have it or can breed it)...
  9. B

    FT: Lots of HA Pokémon LF: 2 Star Sweets

    There are only 2 alcremie forms left for me, I have a living dex and lot's of HA pokémon foi trade like Vulpix (alola and regular), Darumaka, Alolan starters, Growlith, Riolu, Kanto Starters, Rookidee, Corsola and others. Just tell me what you want for two Star Sweets, pls.
  10. Mismage

    LF Flame Orb

    Hey, treiners! I'm looking for a Flame Orb. I can trade it for a 6IV Scraggy with a Gold Bottle Cap. Anyone interested send me DM please.
  11. L

    LF: 20 Bach's Food Tins, FT: 20 Bob's Food Tins

    I have lots of lvl. 1 Ponyta that can carry them over lol... :3 (<---snom face)