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trading partner

  1. Okami Kujiza

    LF Getting Eevees w/The Natures I Seek

    LF: <Eevee - Jolly Nature Vaporeon - Bold & Modest Nature Jolteon - Timid Nature Flareon - Adamant & Calm Nature - Espeon - Timid Nature Umbreon - Calm Nature Leafeon - Adamant Nature Glaceon - Modest Nature Sylveon - Modest Nature Lowest level if possible Fire stone, water stone, thunder...
  2. jensvanderlugt

    Looking for female Own Tempo Rockruff

    Hi everybody, I just picked up Ultra Sun and I obviously missed the Own Tempo Rockruff event. Anyone out there willing to breed or has a spare female Rockruff for me? Don't care about egg moves, IV's, etc. Thanks in advance!
  3. S

    Trading Kadabra

    Hello I’m looking for someone to help me evolve my Kadabra to Alakazam through trading In Pokémon let’s go Eevee. Is there anyone who can help me here? thanks, Sagi.
  4. FloralLunala

    Link trade issues.

    Hello! When I go to link trade Someone with a code on Pokémon shield it never shows there name, instead it is just other random people and when I tell them a code and they search for me it shows and we trade. This has happened to me several times when I am trying to join giveaways. How do I...
  5. L

    LF: Sword Exclusives

    Just need to trade and trade back. Would love a Zacian to keep, but it's okay if not. FC: 2528-1609-2300
  6. NayanMori

    Need Alolan Vulpix, Alolan Meowth, and Pinsir for Pokedex

    Looking for any of these three pokemon, will trade back Pinsir if wanted but I need to keep the Alolan's so I can evolve them. I can also trade back Let's Go Pikachu exclusives (Syther, Oddish, Sandshrew (+Alolan), Growlithe, Grimer, Mankey) if you want.
  7. M

    Pokémon let’s go pikachu exclusives for the eeve exclusive

    Hey I’m looking for vulpix and bellsprout to complete my Pokédex I have all of the let’s go pikachu exclusives to trade
  8. NatSack

    Trying to complete the 'Dex so I can get my shiny charm

    I have Pokemon let's go Pikachu, still need all the trading only evolutions as well as Bellsprout, Koffing, & Goldeen Anyone willing to help me I'd greatly appreciate it. If it's easier my IG is @Daddynattsack
  9. J

    Pokemon let's go Eevee player looking for trading partner

    I'm looking for a trading/trade back partner to evolve machoke kadabra and the sorts asap. As I dont want to go any further without them.