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A small problem

I am having problems with the forum. Every drop down list, and the buttons to put formatting in the post are not working. In addition, the quick options menu doesn't open, the thread tools, the rate a thread menu and the go buttons to change the avatar catergory aren't working. Yes, I have changed the skin in the options. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Perhaps try logging out, deleting all cookies, and logging back in?

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
This has not happened on my computer, so try closing down your internet connection, switching off the computer and then going back onto the internet again. That works for me usually :)


Likely a problem based on cookies. Do you have the browser set to delete the cookies upon closure of the browser? If so, just close the browser. If not, delete cookies, and restart the browser.
I have tried clearing the cookies,with no such luck? Any other suggestions? It appears that it also is happening on other sites, like devainart. =/