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Attack encyclopedia

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Well-Known Member
Mods feel free to close this if it shouldn't exist.
Attacks can be rather tricky for amateur writers to describe. It can really ruin an otherwise beautiful story. That is why I created this. If you've read the pokemon encyclopedia you'll know how this works. Simply reserve an attack you'd wish to write about and then post it in this thread, I will then link to it in the first post. Read this post first before writing/ reserving an attack.
You may feature any pokemon in your description as long as the attacker can use the attack in question.

If you use any of the entries to help in your writing, please only use it for inspiration and do not copy it word for word. Please give credit as well, especially if you use it for a lot of inspiration.

You don't have to write for this little project either, you can help us by reviewing some of the entries.

I hope this can be as succesful as the Pokemon encyclopedia. So what are you waiting for?
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