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attack question


Well-Known Member
How does Substitute Work.
If I have 100 hp. I use substitute, I should have 75 hp left. So if my opponent uses a move that does 25 damage. The substitute goes away. So what is the point of it really except that if they do over 25 damage you dont take it.

Also. question 2
If i use Substitute and then use explosion. does my pokemon die.

If i use Night Shade and my pokemon is a ghost pomemon. does it do 150 or 100.
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Well-Known Member
Can i get a link where the speedy chart is.
Like it tells you what is faster like quick attack and protection. How they are realy fast. I cant find it.


Well-Known Member
There isn`t i guess, protect goes 1st, quick attack, extreme speed, mach punch, fake out, helping hand (Tell me if i missed any) ALL go 1st, but the faster pokemon uses it 1st, for helping hand, it`s faster than the others i listed.
And set damaged moves don`t get stab

For the substitute question, yes the substitute gets 25 HP, after the 25 HP, it goes away,but any pokemon with 100 base HP can get 101 sub, which is the max health is 404 and then using sub, it takes 101 HP and then can survive 2 seismic tosses/ night shades


Dynamo Trainer
How does Substitute Work.
If I have 100 hp. I use substitute, I should have 75 hp left. So if my opponent uses a move that does 25 damage. The substitute goes away. So what is the point of it really except that if they do over 25 damage you dont take it.

Also. question 2
If i use Substitute and then use explosion. does my pokemon die.

If i use Night Shade and my pokemon is a ghost pomemon. does it do 150 or 100.
There are several uses for Substitute. Aside from blocking damage, a Substitute will block status effects, such as Sleep and Paralysis when used by an enemy Pokemon. It won't last for a guaranteed 5 turns like Safeguard does, but it can be very useful.

If the attacking Pokemon does just less than 25% of the defending Pokemon's HP in damage, then the defender can take 2 hits for only 25% of its HP (for making the Substitute). For instance, if your Pokemon has 100 HP and puts up a Substitute that has 25 HP, and your opponent does an Attack that deals 24 HP, then your Substitute will survive with 1 HP. Now, no matter how much damage your opponent would deal, the Substitute will absorb it and fade without your Pokemon taking any damage that turn.

Another common use for Substitute is in combination with Focus Punch. If you know your Substitute will survive at least one attack from your opponent, then you can put up your Substitute one turn and use Focus Punch the next without having to worry about your opponent flinching you (unless they have Bonemerang, Triple Kick, or some other attack that hits multiple times). Even better, if your Pokemon is the slower of the two, then you can just take the first hit on the turn you put up your Substitute, then you get 2 unhindered Focus Punches.

Can i get a link where the speedy chart is.
Like it tells you what is faster like quick attack and protection. How they are realy fast. I cant find it.

This is taken from the "Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire Attack Explanations" page of Ultimate Pokemon Center

Ultimate Pokemon Center said:
Attacks in Ruby and Sapphire are categorized in nine priority levels.

5: Helping Hand
4: Magic Coat, Snatch
3: Protect, Detect, Endure, Follow Me
1: Quick Attack, Mach Punch, Extremespeed, Fake Out
0: All other attacks
-1: Vital Throw
-3: Focus Punch
-4: Revenge
-5: Counter, Mirror Coat
-6: Whirlwind, Roar


I like pie.
If i use Night Shade and my pokemon is a ghost pomemon. does it do 150 or 100.

if the pokemon using it is level 100, it'll do 100 damage. thats the most it could possible do. remember that seismic toss and night shade do the same as your level and they don't get STAB


I said, Bring It ON!
substitute is good to block moves that dont do much damage. it can last a long time, so it is good in some situations