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Active Member
A Mystery Duingeonish comic

Hum, I don't truely remember how I thought of Echo. It makes use of the graphis in the md games. However, something overcameme to use chao as ows in this... I tried it. I think it worked. The usual slight clash of mdd background and ows also made me think it further fine.

I have ripped all of the sprites of this comic. However, I've forgoten where I got bases for the chao.
The timeline is in sync with the md storyline ut does not follow it, though it affects the main characters from time to time
Random, dont use term ms paint colors around it or in crits, I use adobe imageready for thee and if I recall, ms paint colors isnt coined as painfully bright. That an its a huge pet peve of mine.
Please note the pages blend together a bit, sometimes a lot, into a past event. Its an attempt to add detail, but I don't now if it's that good of an idea...
IMPORTANT, these are rather large... Just a warning.



Chapter 1,
"It was an ehco..."
Page 1 text boxes fixed
Page 2 *new*
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Wow, I mean WOW, this is great for a beginer comic.
I think its very original the way you sprite it using pokemon chaos.

I actaully didn't see naything wrong with this... 0.0
You obviously have experience with Adobe, keep it up!


Zigzagoon luv
A Comic about a Cubone and a Poochyena? I didn't get the sprites very well, I though that the characters were like Chibis, untill I read the things you wrote XD.

I still don't see the plot, so thats why you should make more, but don't make a million comics like some people and not work on it. MAKE MORE!
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Active Member
Desperate Milotic: Thanks and thanks! I thought md sprites were painfuly overused and I wanted to make my own sprites for it... But I an't sprite ows yet, so the first thing to comme to mind were chao. And again, thanks ^^

Wesheg: Um... The cast is quite lot larger than Celsis and Hatchi. There are 3 rescue teams after the stotry progresses, onre being the cubone and poochyenas,a team of dog pokemon, and the team with the md protagonists.
I'm trying to get these up quic,expect daily updates as long as it doesnt require like triple posting.
The charas are sopposedto look chibis. You can't look serious with chao so I went all out fr the cuteness. Must practice chao more...


Zigzagoon luv
I agree that the MD sprites are overused, I'd give you a 8/10 for now, since there is only one episode, your better then most beginers though!


Active Member
Wesheg, glad you agree and thanks ^^
The Magic Pixel, by that d you mean what their saying or the bubbles? Anyway, oy I was geting paranoid about haveing them be ner the specker, now I reaise that isn't nessisary. *goes to fix*
Rayquaza777, glad ya like, working on nnextpage as typeng (witch probly isn't a goo idea, but still)...

I'll put link to next one here and in first post.

first page fixed up a bit
2nd page
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Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
There are some places where the text bubbles aren´t organised well. However, the comic seems great by now, and you can be sure I´ll be watching this.
So, good luck and keep it up!


I've never seen a comic with chaos before look's good I'll keep reading.
I think you have something good here! I like it! You're obviously very experienced with this stuff, and whoa, I'm impressed! lol.

I love the comic so far. *subscribes*

Keep it up, but take your time. :D

~MK ;258;


Active Member
Blaze Dragon, must keep working on the bubbles. Thanks, I was getingthefeeing it wasto chaty inn the secand page but I see it isn' a problem. And again much thanks ^^

Fred, ha, it worked! I thoght it would add a nice touch, the aim was doing somethig so I culd make it more my own work. Glad you like and thanks for the comment.

~!Mudkip Kitteh!~, Thanks! actualy, my first sprite comic, fairly experienced with adobe imageready though. Glad you like it!

I'm goingto update this daily in my time, eastern us. I'd slip up and make another page tonight, but I'm very doppy fro turkey hangover now. Expext an updat tommarow, it's gonna advance the plot a good deal.

note,the poochyebna is the main character, even though cubone was there first. The cubone tends to have high roles throughout the tale though it still focuses on poochyena for a very good reason that will be revealed in the next chapter.
No it isnt the seryotypical shes a human thing, thts covered by the md prtagonists, intrroduced... ill probly put em in by the end of ch1 maybe not.