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EV Problems

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Hey guys. I have a big problem. I was trying to EV train my espeon so I equiped him with a Macho Brace and fought about 50 Gastlys and Haunters in Lavender town (He is level 97 atm). To my dismay, when he levelled up, he gained a meer +3 in sp.atk. I have fed him 10 sp.atk boost vitamins, does this matter? If not, what am I doing wrong?


Heat Trainer
Unless you levelled up to 97 via rare candies, you have probably gained the max evs by battling other pokemon. You have two options, breed another eevee, and start agian, or trade to Emerald, use the EV reducing berry for the stats you wish to lower, nd then retrain in SP.Att


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Here's the official EVs/IVs sticky:


As the above poster said, your EVs are probably maxed at LV 97...if this isn't your problem please read the FAQ, it'll probably help you out, and if you still have questions you can post in the sticky. It's the official place for all EV-related questions.


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