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Evolution question


Fan since Gen 1!
I noticed that on the Serebii site (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon pages) under evolution, some Pokemon can only evolve with a link cable?

Can someone please explain. The Nintendo DS doesn't have a link cable...and I didn't think you can trade Pokemon in this game from 1 game to another...so how does that work?



The Link Cable is an item you find in Solar Cave. When it asks if you would like to use an item, pick the link cable. Then it asks if you want to use another item. If needed, choose the second item.

Chico Malvado

Evil Guy >=)
Yes you can trade Pokémon, you can do it by Wireless (Blue + Blue) or with the two slots of the Nintendo DS (Red + Blue)


I am watching you...

If you alreay have a item where there is ONE in the game (like Wish Stone) and go to where you find it, there will be a link cable there instead
you have to use the item Link Cable. You can find them in places that HMs and other special items will be found.


herd u liek mudkips?
Through Wonder Mail codes.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
You get version exclusive Pokemon in your game when you complete a mission that has that Pokemon for a client or as part of the objective of the mission. So if a person with Red gets a random mission with Mantine as the client, they can write the code down and give it to a friend with Blue. When the person with Blue does the mission the Pokemon will appear in the wild.

Also please do not double post, there is an EDIT button you can use to add something to a previous post. :)


when deoxys meteore comes there will be a big explosion at whishchash pool, a strange uderground if you go in it will ask you "do you want to evovle" then
just click yes


I wanted ketchup!!!
You need to find the item link cable in dungeons