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evolving feebas


Training since 1998
i got my feebas's beuty up to full and it will not eat any other pokeblocks that send up its beuty but it still doesnt evolve when i level it up. does anyone know why this is?
What's the nature of your feebas? with certain nature's you can't get the beauty up high enough for a feebas to evolve

the best nature's to evolve a feebas with are:
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Flaming Mirage

Saint of Darkness
or you think you've maxed out but the blocks were for 2 stats, so the beauty wouldnt be enough
I would have recommended to give high-level blocks with only beauty powerup


Local psychopath
Does it eat any more pokeblocks?

Emerald version: use Pamtre beries. You get them if you say CHALLANGE CONTEST to the berry masters wife. You may only be able to get 1, but you can just clone a pokemon holding one. then you can have alot.

Ruby/Saphire: Trade the pokemon to emerald and do the above.

If you dont have an emerald though, then just breedit, get another one, get it one of those natures,and then use other berries that make high lvl Indigo pokeblocks.

Note: if you use the pamtre berries, use the berry blender with the 3 people there, making you the 4th.

Usual outcome:

Indigo Pokemblock
Lvl: 50
Feel: 32

othor possoble outcome:
Gold pokeblock
Lvl: 51
Feel: 32


Well-Known Member
Use the natures as said by flamingflareon:
And I used Wiki Berries, they work Fine and are easyer to get hold of you will have enough in a couple of days when you plant them.
If you had a nature such as Adamant, Jolly, Impish, or Careful, then the chances are exremely low or no chance