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EX: Outer Glow

+Flame Claw+

Space Rebellion!

What is Ex: Outer Glow?
Ex: Outer Glow is a fakecard set by Flame Claw. It will contain Rocket's Pokémon, Flame Claw's Pokémon and Stonefree Pokémon, as well as powerful Pokémon-ex and Pokémon *.

Here's the set list:

1 Alakazam
2 Cleffa
3 Dark Weavile
4 Deoxys Attack
5 Deoxys Defense
6 Deoxys Normal
7 Deoxys Speed
8 Flame Claw's Blissey
9 Flame Claw's Porygon
10 Masdance
11 Porygon2
12 Porygon2.5
13 Rayquaza
14 Rocket's PorygonX
15 Sabrina's Alakazam
16 Shotnon
17 Spikeph
18 Togetic

19 Articuno
20 Azumarill
21 Brock's Ninetales
22 Clefable
23 Crobat
24 Electabuzz
25 Elekible
26 Flame Claw's Chansey
27 Flame Claw's Dragonite
28 Flame Claw's Groudon
29 Flame Claw's Gyarados (special holo version)
30 Flame Claw's Hypno
31 Flame Claw's Kyogre
32 Flame Claw's Rayquaza
33 Flame Claw's Robange
34 Golduck
35 Magcargo
36 Missing3x
37 Moltres
38 Porygon2
39 PorygonX
40 Sneasel
41 Zapdos

42 ('poke' 'ld')
43 Clefairy
44 Crocobot
45 Dancer
46 Electabuzz
47 Espeon d
48 Flame Claw's Dragonair
49 Flame Claw's Porygon2
50 Flareon d
51 Golbat
52 Gunnon
53 Horafist
54 Horakick
55 Jolteon d
56 Kadabra
57 MissingDi.
58 .MissingNo.
59 Ofcannon
60 Porygon +
61 Rocket's Porygon2
62 Spikinge
63 Strolwal
64 Togepi
65 Togepi
66 Umbreon d
67 Vaporeon d

68 Abra
69 Drowzee
70 Eevee
71 Eevee d
72 Elekid
73 Flame Claw's Dratini
74 Flame Claw's Drowzee
75 Flame Claw's Magikarp
76 Flame Claw's Porygon1.5
77 Growlithe
78 Growlithe
79 Hitmonchan
80 Hitmonlee
81 Hitmontop
82 Holon's Togepi
83 Hypno
84 Lombre
85 Lotad
86 Marill
87 Ofcannon
88 Onix
89 Pichu
90 Pikachu
91 Pikachu b
92 Porygon
93 Porygon
94 Psyduck
95 Slugma
96 Zubat

97 Bill
98 Ledgend Searcher
99 Poké Ball
100 Potion
101 Rare Candy
102 Super Potion
103 Wally's Training

104 Alakazam ex
105 Arcanine ex
106 Elekible ex
107 Hitmonlee ex
108 Hitmontop ex
109 Ludicolo ex
110 Mr. Mime ex
111 Mr Mime ex
112 Porygon2 ex
113 PorygonX ex
114 Raichu ex
115 Rayquaza ex

116 Bulbasaur *
117 Charmander *
118 Squirtle *

BOX Deoxys ex Speed

120 Steelix

Credit to:

All of the Pokémon Company:
You brought us Pokémon. We wouldn't be anywhere without you.

Fangking Omega:
For being a cool guy and inspiration.

Cascade Gonpory:
Cascade made the Acanthite blanks I'm using, as well as being great inspiration.

The Ledgend. And recently he reopened fakecard.com just 'cause I kept moaning. And he left open a whole page of artwork. Godly.

The Whole Faking Community:
You've been supporting me from the day I started faking, pointing out my mistakes.

~Flame Claw