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factory reset

Twilit Dragoon

*omnious thunderstorm*
I think it is pressing Start, Select, A, and B at the title screen. It will ask you if you want to delete game data.


Yes, you do B + Select + Up at the title screen.

What it does is delete the game file. This is good if you want to remove evidence of cheating or if you want to resell the game. I do it whenever I start a new game, just because.

That's it, really.


Powerplay Champion
oh... i thought you guys meant the battle factory cheat... doo thing i didn't do it:)


Well-Known Member
But what if your game got really ****ed up by gameshark? I had a rom that froze everytime I got to the title screen. It started happening after I cheated for Deoxys and missingno appeared instead. I will never cheat again. (j/k)