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Floatzel set


Man beast Trainer
ive been trying to think of one ,but due to floatzels limited move pool my attempts have been in vain so if anyone knows a good one plz post back


Well-Known Member
um ok ill try
razor wind
iron tail

its sp.attack isnt that high but i guess surf would have 2 do. maybe bulk up sumware in there.


Man beast Trainer
hmm i was thinking waterfall over surf hmm im gonna keep on looking into this anymore suggestions are welcome


Well-Known Member
ahh waterfall i 4got its physical lol, yeh deff waterfall


Well-Known Member
fangs 4got also lol yeh ice fang and fire fang if it can learn it. i wouldent noe i never used floatzel

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust

Floatzel @ Wet Rock/Leftovers

Ice Fang/Ice Beam (dunno which one does more damage)
Rain Dance

Any thing other in Floatzel's 4th movespot is a waste and/or redundant.


Well-Known Member
i think crunch cuz no offense, whos runnin from floatzel?


Well-Known Member
thats tru, but it would only effect waterfall, nd it would already outrun most pokes so its ability is kinda worthless unless its not EV'ed in speed. even then its still pretty fast


Well-Known Member
thats a good point..have kyogre on ur team lol jk, um u just gotta get lucky, maybe ur opponent could put set it up lol. yeh but just have it in case


Active Member
;419;Floatzel @Leftovers
Careful (+SDef, -SAtk) - Swift Swim
EVs: 252 HP, 252 Defense, 6 Special Defense
- Rain Dance
- Bulk Up
- Baton Pass
- Waterfall

Made this up real quick...just for funzies.


Well-Known Member
umm floatzel would die be4 it can baton pass the bulk up..but i c wut ur tryin 2 do it could possibly work...


Bona fide Narutard.
Floatzel@Choice Band
-Jolly, Swift Swim
EVs: 252 Attack, 252 Speed
Waterfall/Aqua Jet
Ice Fang
Brick Break/Pursuit

Aqua Jet only becomes an option when you don't have a Rain Dancer on your team. No Rain Dance for Floatzel, because he can't take time to set it up with his weak defenses. No Bulk Up either, he'll just be KO'd during the setup. Pursuit if you're a good predicter (yes, things will be running, he has decent attack + STAB + choice band), Crunch if you're not. Focus Punch and Giga Impact are also options, but are difficult to use correctly (use GI as a finishing move and Focus Punch on switches if you don't have Pursuit).