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graphic improvmints!

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lucario 1993

don't miss with mii!
battle revolution has the best graphics i've ever seen in pokemon games!
pokemon hitting each other physicially! realistic looking pokemon!and the best thing yet wi-fi connection with the ninetendo ds!!!!!!
ummm tel uss something we dont know? lol its ok im not bashin u but its true it relly relly rox hard ^^
um the graphics are a SERIOUS letdown from what was shown in an early trailer with Wailord and Pikachu, it now looks like Stadium when I saw those new shots.


Well-Known Member
um the graphics are a SERIOUS letdown from what was shown in an early trailer with Wailord and Pikachu, it now looks like Stadium when I saw those new shots.

I totally agree with you. It's no doubt that the graphics are better than the previous games IMO, but when you compare with the first battle revolution trailer... it's kind of pathetic. You can tell when comparing Groudon from the second video with Groudon from the first. Well at least the attacks look great (surf) and some of the pokemon look alright.
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I agree, the attacks always look awesome, as seen in the previous gen I was always wowed by Hydro pump, but from the other trailer to now lol.


Well-Known Member
Yea the graphics rock. Everyone knows that Pretty pointless making a thread about it


OG Trainer
Yeah I do have to give it to revolution. Those graphics are serious. It makes me want the game that much more. i cant wait to battle online and do other cool things.


Just me
I don't think there is much of a point in this thread.
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