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meet me in the rain
Hey there, I'm Steel-Rain and I'm new round here, just doing the polite thing of saying hello.
I'm new to Serebii but in no way am I new to forums! Anyone remember the Zapchu forums? I used to hang out there a lot.

I would say what my favourite Pokemon is, but I have so many favourites that it might take a while. I mostly like fire and electric types but I like water and steel types too :)
My favourite games of the series are Emerald, Leafgreen and Silver. I'm also a shameless Originshipper :D

So, hi everyone!


Well-Known Member
Hello and welcome to the forums!
I prefer Dark pokemon if you wanted to know!
I hope you enjoy your time here and follow the rules!

Woot first post!


meet me in the rain
Heheh, thanks for the offer, Futuramagirl! I was actually working on something for my sig myself anyway, but I appreciate the offer :)


Main screen turn on!
Hi nice to meet you.