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Chico Malvado

Evil Guy >=)
I am new to the forum and that's all I have to say.

PD: If you want to know my favorite pokemon are ;155;, ;393;, and ;133;
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Well-Known Member
Hey, welcome to the fourms. Be sure to read the rules and ask any questions. I'll be your friend also. ^^

Have fun on SPPF!


Main screen turn on!
Hi! Have lots of fun, and be sure to obey the rules.


Follow the rules and have fun. Pm me if you have questions or if you want to be friends.


Active Member
how do i move up 2 a..........

How do i move up from beginner trainer to the next level?


Active Member
o and

How do u catch celebi in silver?


New Member
Hello! I am New to the forum! I am French and I live to Paris! ^^ I'm not speak very good English...I Go to this website to have a friend, I would like speak good English lol. I'm 17 years old. "Want you learn French?" lol ^^
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