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I've been coming to serebii for a while now and finally decided to join the community. I have read and fully understand all the rules, they are like most other forums I go to so I should have no problem following them. Just thought I'd introduce mysekf and see if I can't make a few friends right off the bat. I love anime, my favorite would have to be FullMetal Alchemist and in a close second is Naruto. Another passion of mine is of course, video games! My favorites are as follows: for GBA I would have to say Golden Sun the Lost Ages, for Gamecube there is Tales of Symphonia, for DS right now it is Pokemon Diamond, PS2 is Final Fantasy X, and for XBox 360 is Halo 2. I also love music, I'll listen to almost anything. If I ever do something you find controvesial or bordering on the rules please do tell me, I hope to have a great time here on the forums. =)