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help !

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Well-Known Member
ok like sunday when i get my allowance i will buy the usb connector and one of two wi-fi games becuase i'll only have the money for one pry .i'm thinking of either getting mario kart or animal crossing. which on of those two do you think i should get.or if you have anay other suggestions of a wi-fi game for me than say that too if you want .


Awaiting October.
Neither get MPH or if you must have one of those two get MKDS..


Cheese Puff!
AC:WW for sure, MK:DS is fun but there is little replay value and there is little variety in things to do. AC:WW on the other hand gives more depth to what you do, not to mention there is almost limiless things to do. Also seeign that you are mainly choosing a game due to Wi-Fi, AC:WW wins hands down.


Well-Known Member
Mario Kart DS lasted longer for me, I preferred it's wi-fi and it was overall more enjoyable IMO. AC:WW got boring quickly, and wi-fi was dull.

So I would say MKDS, of course, though neither are great IMO.


Cheese Puff!
Although the only thing you can do in MK: DS Wi-Fi is race, oh wait that's pretty much all you do period. AC:WW has a lot more things to do so each time you go to play it will be something new. Both games get somewhat boring, but the plus of AC:WW is if you've taken a long break of playing it and go back it feels like a new experience. In Wi-Fi you can do almost every normal thing in the game but also make up games and talk to people.
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