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Which is the best starter?Are there any cheats for eg.getting a car.I have heard about all such stuff but i dont believe it I NEED HELP SOON AND 1 MORE THING I AM NEW TO THIS SITE!!!!!;078;

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
to me charmander is the best starter,
because when it evolves into charizard it will be very strong....
and no there are not any cheats for a car......
so please don't speak about cheats here please....
and welcome to the forums.....


Well-Known Member
to me charmander is the best starter,
because when it evolves into charizard it will be very strong....
and no there are not any cheats for a car......
so please don't speak about cheats here please....
and welcome to the forums.....

ill agree with Super Groudon @ Charmander but if your new to the games too or just want an easy ride then choose Squirtle ^^


Bulbasaur: easy start, harder in the end
Squirtle: ok through game
Charmander: Hard in the beggining, easy in the end

super groudon

Master Of Shadows
charmander is great starter as it learns metal claw which can wipe out rock pokemon,
then it will evolve into charmeleon teach it mega punch and mega kick,
level it up and you can own misty
then it's easy for the rest of the game....
that's just my opinion though....
i started with charmander one day,
next day i was battling the elite 4
Squirtle for an easy beginning, Charizard for an easy ending since he extremely high Att and Sp.Att


Well-Known Member
CHARMANDER also because when you coose charmander u get suicune as the legendary dog It does not know roar unlike the other 2

Legendary star

Well-Known Member
I think bulbasaur is the best choice. You can beat the first couple gyms without much effort. It'll help in case your pokemon aren't too strong.


I'd say get Squirtle because it's good throughout the game, and there are no car cheats.(I wonder who made that up?)


<- Currently Hunting
i would have to recommend charmander in kanto, mudkip in Hoenn, and maganium in Jhoto (this is what i did in g/s/c and i always won very easily)


Well-Known Member
At the start Boulbasaur is the best, it's good for the first 3 gyms, but then get complicated, but by the time you reach the 4 gym, you must have Pokémons that help there.


Sun cat
Start with Charmander! It'll get's really powerful when it evolves into Charizard!


I always pick the Firestarter, dunno why, maybe just beacuse I love 'em. Yeah, if you pick Charmander, it'll be tough the first two gyms, but it's a real pain to find good fire-pokes in Kanto, and even due to it's poor movepool, Charizard is a good pokemon ingame, so go with the one you like most. Remember, it'll be hard with Firetypes the first two gyms, and easy with the Bulba, but just try and choose. And think about the legendary dogs, which one you want. If you pick Charmander, you'll get Suicune, pick Bulba and you'll get Entei and pick Squirtle and get Raikou.
And Emuritto, it doesn't matter if the dog knows Roar or no, beacuse it'll flee anyway.

Baby Mew

Bulbasaur is the easiest to raise so it will grow fast
Charmander is the hardest so it will grow the slowest