• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

    However, remember to keep your passwords secure. If you use similar logins on multiple sites, people and even bots may be able to access your account.

    We always recommend using unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication if possible. Make sure you are secure.
  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
  • If you're still waiting for the e-mail, be sure to check your junk/spam e-mail folders

help .....................

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christian 4ever
okay............my sister is trying to subscribe to the forums...........but we have the same computer..so everytime i try to my username appears...how can she subscribe?

Virtual Headache

thank you..my sister has an accoun she is just waiting for confirmation..her username is totodilegirl10
Fine then.
Each of you could use a different browser or profile for your browser (if there is an option to have profiles, Firefox does, not sure about the others) so it would be easier and you wouldn't have to log out and let the other log in all the time.

Just a suggestion, but since this is answered, it's gonna be closed =)
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