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New Member
Hey whats up? I just joined. I always come here to get codes and such for pokemon XD. So I figured I'd join the board too.
I plan on getting a Nintendo Wii but not sure how im getting the money..

So how are you?
Welcome to SerebiiForums Skychu. Have a great time.


BLAZIKEN trainer
what "newbie of the month" award are you talking about?
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Shadow of Absol

Silent Shadow
I just joined recently as well, but welcome ^^. I guess you will be one of my rivals for that award, lol, I hope that we can become friends XD. Have a great time =)


New Member
Did someone say...NOOBIE OF THE MONTH!
lol, i just read about it yesterday, and had no clue on how to win it. It just seems to be voting or something...

Well WELCOME, cute avatar! I'm new too XD, you can probably tell by my picture under my name (no avatar yet...) Enjoy your stay!


The new tuxedo look!
Hi!! I'm no veteran, but I can tell you a few things:
1) Get as many friends as possible! (I'll be one!)
2) Do not enter anything in the johto revamp thread! Zephyr flare deletes everything!
4) PM for any in-game help!
5) Request something from the shop in my sig!(best sprites anywhere!)
6) Beware of skarmbliss! Nah, just kidding.