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I Exist!


Oh, man!
Newbie ahoy!
...yeah. I should probably stop now.
But, seriously, I'm a newbie, as you can probably tell, and I'd like to say hi before I actually start posting so that people don't be all like, "Who in the name of [diety of your choice here] is that?!"
I'm 15, I'm a guy, I live in Massachusetts in the USA, I abolutely love the Discworld series by Terry Prattchett, and that's probably all I'm gonna tell you about myself, aside from the fact that I'm an avid video gamer and am half Cuban.
Yay, Spanish! Although I'm not super-fluent, it's still awesome.
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Josh trainer
OMFG! We have something in common!!
Heh, welcome to the forums, now I will show you my links of doom!

Rules - Read them and follow them.

- Check here if you have any questions. Very useful.

Search - Use it if you're looking for something. And also, before making a thread, check if there's one like it already.

User Ranks - Many members ask about them, so look before you ask.

User CP - Change your avatar, signature and profile here.

Signature Rules - Don't break them, or staff members may delete your signature. If you want to check your sig, go to the Signature Check Thread.

Fan Art Requests - This is where you can request the ever-wanted trainer cards, among others.
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ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
Oh noez links of doomz! Better than my broken record, mind you. Don't make me play it! I will! Too late! XD *turns on broken record* Read the rules and have fun! *very annoying scratching noise, turns off broken record*

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member

*deep breath in*

You know what's really creepy?

I exist too. Zomg. *Runs away from oneself*

...Why does this happen every time I meet a crazy new newbie? :p Probably because there's no such thing as an old newbie.

...Or is there?...

Oh, welcome, by the way. :p

Cipher 2008

Well-Known Member
Possibly? o_O

As in, "he is possibly dead", or "he may have possibly ran over the neighbour's cat"?


*Still dancing*

Oh, I almost forgot - here's your welcome cookie! ^_^ *Gives welcome cookie* Sorry it's a bit green.

Matsudai Tasogare

Forever And Ever
Wow, everyone seems really excited. Lol.
Welcome to the Serebii forums. I'm new as well. Nice to meet you! ^_^


Well-Known Member
LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL,LOL *GASP*.....*gasp*.... Did you know that I also speak spanish!?!? Si necesitas a alguien con quien hablar en espanol, mandme un pm!

P.S. Bievenido!*Mafia boss slaps my head* Sorry boss! *Gets killed*


Why money?
Why not use the deliciousness of baked goods?
Like this!
It's so satisfying to watch someone get a fruitcake to the face at mach 5.
FYI, I'm usually known as the guy with the hilariously weird ideas.
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Well-Known Member

I'll be sure to do that, deoxisnator!
Como es tus palabras favoritas?
Me gusta "refunfunabamos", "desafortunadamente", y "otorinolaringologo".
EDIT: I can't make an n with the mark over it. ;_; Oh well.

"Otorinolalingologia", "alcapuria"(becuse it has a funny accent!)and......"inteligentemente"........... pm me to be friends!

P.S. oopss.... homework!*mafia boss whispers, did you tell him?* shut up boss!*Get's shot again*....... Ow..... *Sirens whaling*


Queen of Charizards!
Nice to meet you. I respect all of those people in UK (Everywhere else too) PM me to become friends.