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Internet Explorer 7


We Strike At Dawn
I just downloaded IE7 and I like it bu whenever I run it I can't get the address bar to open. I have to use the search bar instead to go to websites and thats annoying. How do I get the adress bar to open on the screen. Like when I open the IE I see it for a couple seconds then it justs dissappears.
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We Strike At Dawn
I did but nothing happens, I'd try looking in file, edit and those other menus on the screen but IE7 doesn't have that on it.


We Strike At Dawn
How do I take a screenshot?


We Strike At Dawn
Here ya go

It appears where the red is but then it dissappears, so I gotta use the search bar in the corner.


We Strike At Dawn
Well, I did. I'ma try uninstalling it then installing it again. Cause I did reinstall it again but nothing happened so I'm try un-and reinstalling it. If it doesn't work I come back.


Well, I did. I'ma try uninstalling it then installing it again. Cause I did reinstall it again but nothing happened so I'm try un-and reinstalling it. If it doesn't work I come back.

I had that same problem, so i switched to firefox, its way better to me at lease