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IQ problem


Drifblim landing!
I'll put the list up *edits post*


1: Item Catcher
2: Course Checker
3: Dedicated Traveler
4: Item Master
5: Exclusive Move-User
6: PP Checker
7: Efficiency Expert
8: Status Checker
9: Nontraitor
10: Self-Curer
11: Quick Dodger
12: Type-Advantage Master
13: Weak-Type Picker
14: Trap Avoider
15: Nonsleeper
16: EXP. Go-Getter
17: Energy Saver
18: Lava Evader
19: All-Terrain Hiker
20: Sure-Hit Attacker
21: Trap Seer
22: House Avoider
23: Super Mobile

thats all.

From the last IQ thread http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=159409 started by: Zeus (lol)


there isn't an IQ "Go Anywhere"

Here's the list.

1 Stars - PP Checker
2 Stars - Status Checker, Efficiency Expert, Nontraitor
3 Stars - Self-Curer
4 Stars - Weak Type Picker, Trap Avoider, Quick Dodger, Type-Advantage master
5 Stars - Nonsleeper
6 Stars - Energy Saver, Exp. Go-Getter
7 Stars - Lava Evader
8 Stars - All-Terain Hiker
9 Stars - Sure-Hit Attacker
10 Stars - Trap Seer
11 Stars - House Avoider
MAX - Super Mobile

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
hmm, well you know go to your list of IQ i your summery or whatever. the exact same thing happened with my charizard when he reached 9 stars. but if you don't have it go up to 12 stars and you will have monster house avoider.