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[Paper Snow]

MNU spreads lies
Solar Cave, Western Cave, and Desert Region, from the top of my head.


Psychic Trainer
wow, i couldve sworn i just posted in a thread asking the same question like an hour ago. people, use the search button:(

anyways, u can also find them in far-off sea.


Zigzagoon luv
Western Cave is made out of them, get them there, but only if you can survive, But, Ah well, Solar Cave works too.


Well-Known Member
Solar cave if you want an easish dungeon


Glitch Hunting Freak
I went with nothing but 3 huge apples and 2 reviver seeds and I came out with 21 keys! (19 in invetory and 2 being held by parteners) I currently have 43 keys from there alone!