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LF: Yanma


Bug Type Monorunner
Heyo all! I want to use a Yanmega in my Shinig Pearl run, and just found out that Yanma is postgame. If anyone has the Nat Dex and is up for trading, I'd be extremely grateful!

LF: Yanma, preferably female for breeding but I'm not picky (if male, nicknamed Young please!)
Ft: SP exclusives, anything I might have in Home

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
Heyo all! I want to use a Yanmega in my Shinig Pearl run, and just found out that Yanma is postgame. If anyone has the Nat Dex and is up for trading, I'd be extremely grateful!

LF: Yanma, preferably female for breeding but I'm not picky (if male, nicknamed Young please!)
Ft: SP exclusives, anything I might have in Home
Home connectivity to BDSP won’t be ready until early next year. Which is a bit of a disappointment for me as I have a Shiny Murrow from Go waiting to be transferred.


Bug Type Monorunner
Home connectivity to BDSP won’t be ready until early next year. Which is a bit of a disappointment for me as I have a Shiny Murrow from Go waiting to be transferred.
I know, I was planning to trade whatever was requested via home itself in a second trade. I wish it was compatible now, as I have a shiny Yanma in it I could be using!

Ty for checking tho o/