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PM Problem

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
I debated myself on weather this goes in Serebii.net disscusion or Tech Help, but if this is in the wrong section then please move it mods.

Recently I have had two people try to pm me (that I know of) but have failed. I i made sure that in the options menu that I have allowed pms from others. Also I was told I couldn't be put on others friends list. Is it glitched, or is there something im missing?
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um one alternative is that you got a warning for doing SOMETHING *bad*, so mods might have disabled some of your options.

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
People with special characters in their names now have PM problems since the server change. Watch, I will copy and paste your name without editing it.

?Omega Weavile?

See? They still haven't gotten around to fixing the special characters thing, and many people with special characters in their names are suffering from this. I really wish they'd try to get it done already, I can't even post anything Japanese anymore. Watch:


So yeah. You're going to have to live with it until they get it fixed, or you could try for a name change.

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
Is that the problem? My username? :/ Yah, ill go change it. They've been annoying for quite awhile. Ill change it, whether it is the problem or not.