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I dont know what to do in the relic cave...i beat all the regis and i didnt see mew all this time and i died on floor 85 and now im back at floor one...what can i do?ot if i do see mew how can it join me...lvl 54 moltres in lead.;146;

pokemon rulez!!!!!

Awesome Dialga!
First you need to have your starter as the leader. Then when you see Mew you battle it and it may join you[0.9 join rate] somewhere though F36-F99.

weavile/perap eater

Well-Known Member
it has a very small chance of appearing on floors 36-93 on 94-98 you have an ok chance go get the friend bow because u do not want to go up 99 floors for nothing and get to level 70. it can join u like any other pokemon


fredfredburger yes!
what? faraway island? wrong thread dude go to the emerald section


fredfredburger yes!
i think i am not that far yet so i don't know if there is a faraway island i am still trying to beat the relic i died floor 70 and i am waiting for someone to rescue so i can beat the stupid relic and i have been waiting for over 2 hours and no one wants to rescue me!


fredfredburger yes!
do you think i should wait for someone or keep training and trying to beat it.


hmm..i don know...i died on the 85th floor by a monster house..im still gonna try again but i need that friend bow.....


Well-Known Member
Make sure you have the Music box.Get the Final island from Wigglytuff.I was extremely lucky.I found it on floor 38.I guess luck can come in different forms....not necessarily shinies.


fredfredburger yes!
yeah.... one time i found mew i defeated her and she didn't join me.


fredfredburger yes!
yeah it is hard to find i only saw it once.


fredfredburger yes!
so will i think i am not going to wait more than two hours for someone to rescue me.