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Well-Known Member
I am gonna sound like a noob and I know I shouldn't post this hear but i don't know where else to post it so please don't get mad. Does Ranger sstink Cause my friends tell me it does.
This goes in the Ranger section, actually. But, no matter what everyone else says, I'll always say Ranger is good


I am the game
Im wondering the same thing.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
Here's the Ranger section of the forums:


And here's the Ranger sectin of the website:


Both have information on the game, and if you check out www.gamefaqs.com you can find reviews. If you're still unsure after reading all the info...try it! Some game stores may have demos for you to try, and I know that Gamestop lets you return a used game within a certain period if you play it and don't like it.

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