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Quick sprite

Quantum Toast

Well-Known Member
Custom Castforms

I suddenly started thinking about a Thunderstorm weather effect a while ago. One idea led to another, and so:

The thunderbolt/tail bit isn't quite right, unfortunately...
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Bonsly is pimp

I like the idea. The head seem to be too close to the front and should be more centered in the cloud.


Well-Known Member
looks really amazing
never really thought of doing a thunderstorm form of Castform

Quantum Toast

Well-Known Member
I like the idea. The head seem to be too close to the front and should be more centered in the cloud.

Yeah, I'll try and fix that before I redo the tail.


OK, here we go. Any better?

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Macho man!
I think it looks really good but there isn't any noticeable differences between the two sprites you posted.

I think the top of its head is to bright. Maybe you shouldn't use the brightest shade there because it sticks out a lot.

Quantum Toast

Well-Known Member
I think it looks really good but there isn't any noticeable differences between the two sprites you posted.

I think the top of its head is to bright. Maybe you shouldn't use the brightest shade there because it sticks out a lot.

Suggestion taken.

And if they both look the same, try clicking refresh - I had to do that too, because it still had the old one cached.

(Actually, even Refresh doesn't seem to work now... I'll put it at a different URL, you should be able to see it properly then:
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Macho man!
Not many more things to find wrong with it. Looks cooler with 2 tails but I think the left thunderbolt should be longer. Longer than the other one but only by one Pixel and I won't be able to find much more after that:)

Bonsly is pimp

Yeah it looks good with two bolts, and the head centered.

Quantum Toast

Well-Known Member
I'm considering doing Windy or Fog forms next... though I don't have many ideas of what they could look like yet.

(Windy would probably be Flying; Fog, I'm not sure. Maybe Dark?)

Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
Since Castform is angled, the left bolt should be a couple of pixels higher than the right one. When they're even like you have it, it makes the left one seem longer.

Quantum Toast

Well-Known Member
Since Castform is angled, the left bolt should be a couple of pixels higher than the right one. When they're even like you have it, it makes the left one seem longer.
True. I'll try and tweak that now...


OK, done that. You'll probably have to refresh the image to see the difference, though. And I've taken a first shot at a Windy version, too.

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