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Ruka's sprite thread!

ruka rukario

Rukario Master
Welcome to Ruka's Sprite Thread!
All other sprites are posted within the thread. take a look!

These are my first sprites.

right now, a revamp and many more!.



Will start on coloring pokemon like other pokemon. I love to do those.

If you would like to use one of my sprites, please ask in this thread or pm me. Give credit!

I am taking suggestions (no requests though)!
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r u not entertained
I like the way you did the green on Shiftry, very nice.

*coughcough[take a look at my thread there are some new sprites]coughcough*


i think u did. good. the nidoking looks very nice. good job :)

ruka rukario

Rukario Master
thanks a lot parasectdude. Will start on plenty more tomorrow. maybe a taste?

First fusion ever. Lickirril

EDIT:fixed a part of the white stomach


white stomach was scratch
ears were scratch/trace but not copy + paste
tail was modified (had to lengthen the tail or else it would touch his butt lol)
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The Nidoking revamp looks official, maybe a little working on the shading would be good. The recolours are good, but then again, they're recolours. And the Lickirril's tail looks... I DUNNO WHY... misplaced to me. Maybe you could try to scratch the tail? I dunno. o_O And there kinda is no shading on the ear that is the lightest, then again is there supposed to be?

Keep up the good work, your work is not too shabby. I like it. ^_^


Tastes like chicken!
The recolours are great, I like the colours. The revamp is really good as well, maybe a little bit more shading.
Keep up the great work!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I see your sprites. I know it's hard to be patient, but try not to post asking people to review, mkay? Try posting in a variety of forums more often, so more people see that you have a sprite thread, maybe. That's what I'm trying to do with my shop.

ANYway, to actually get somewhere with this, I like your sprites a lot. Especially Grumpario and Azuskitril. (Did I spell that right? o_O)
I also agree with Aqua's Dolphin; the tail on Lickiril looks strange. But I just think it looks a little too thick in the scratched areas. Dunno.

I also enjoy recoloring Pokemon to look like other Pokemon. It's the easiest kind of spriting. :p The Shiftry you did looks really neat.

...you take suggestions? Cool. Maybe some sort of Houndour or Arcanine mix/recolor/fusion, to give you some more variety (fire-types). Just a thought.

EDIT: [Offtopicness] Hmm, I just noticed you have the same birthday I do. That's kinda weird. (I mean actually talking to the person who has the same birhday, not the fact that the person has the birthday.)
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ruka rukario

Rukario Master
Sept 12? im 14

anyways, i will get to the houndour arcanine mix/recolor/fusion asap tomorrow.

i was just trying to keep the thread alive and i try to post in other forums, i just have nothing to post XD

For everyone wondering about lickril's tail:
I copy and pasted a section of marril's tail and put it with the original tail to make it go farther out, therefore making it look very odd (probably should have scratched it (would have been pretty easy)).

If you notice on grupario, his tail too far low XD. thought everyone would see that, guess i was wrong!

and on azuskitril, it kinda looks like it's jumping off its...thingy (did that on purpose to make it extra cute!)
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ruka rukario

Rukario Master
This has to be my very best yet!

I did quite a lot of scratching like the cuffs, the shading for the reversed arcanine tail (and more), and all those dang stripes XD

I give you, Arcadoom.


Pokemon Shaman
Arcadoom looks like it's dying. =o It's a great fusion, it just looks like it's starving. You're also missing his other horn, which would show from this angle.


Well-Known Member
Ooh, wow, Arcadoom. It's awesome for having as much scratching as you say it does. The horn looks a little off, but I never did like Houndoom's horns very much. That's the only thing that bugs me. It looks off, maybe because there's no yellow-tan fur in front of it on the head, just behind it. Perhaps just add a tuft or two in front? But then that'd interfere with the eye...

Also, the main body looks a little too...orange. Maybe add a black stripe or two around the front leg and somewhere on the back, out of the way of Houndoom's...whatever those are on the back.

Aand, if I'm correct, this should *finally* boot me up to Thunder Trainer. *presses "Submit"*

EDIT: Yah, it did.

PART OF EDIT: jakepwnsjoo: How would the other horn show? Isn't the mane/fur in the way? I'm just curious. And now that it's been mentioned, it does look a little thin. When you compare it to the Arcanine sprite, at least.
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