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shiftry question


Avada kedavra
hey guys, i have a question..


sunny day
return/brick break/faint attack

note: i cant teach shadow balll to him anymore...

would faint attack be so useless???




Brick Break for Steels please.
Faint Attack can hit Ghosts if you can’t use Shadow Ball.

Basically, see what the rest of your team has the most trouble with. If it’s Steel, go with Brick Break. If it’s Ghost, go with Faint Attack.


Avada kedavra
hum, im battling the BF
and , i got a blaziken... which kills steel easly...
so i guess ghost and psy are y problems.. i should use faint attack, right???


Avada kedavra
thx u aragorn...

do u know where is desert underpass? so i can catch a Ditto, in order to rebrred my male blaziken and get another torchic???



Avada kedavra
and what nature is the best for blaziken, and how do i change the nature, or choose it?



Route 115 Left of Fallarbor

Can't change natures. You have to either breed or catch a different Pokemon.
Get a Ditto with Hasty, have it hold an Everstone, and breed it with Blaziken to have the best chance of getting a Hasty nature.


Avada kedavra
hum, i see..
and about the shifrty, leech seed sucks because of explosion???

man, i know very much! i appreciate that


Avada kedavra
her, in the last reply of mine, i wanted to say that
YOU, ARAGORN, KNOW VERY MUCH EUHEUHE, sorry bout the mistake



You shouldn’t double post so much.

Leech Seed doesn’t suck, it’s just that Shiftry doesn’t have the defenses or the speed to be stalling around with Leech Seed.


Avada kedavra
ok, thx guys, sorry aragorn, for the double post...
