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some help


**Legendary Maven**
hello people ...now can u people tell me how do you get a thread on public sites like YAHOO OR GOOGLE .....for example if i wanted to get my Feebas and milotic thread on YAHOO or GOOGLE how could i do it ,cuz lot of people are asking my bout it.......

for example if some one types in HOW DO YOU GET A FEEBAS
then my thread will pop up....that kind...please replay back it would be really helpfull.....hey i am not a computer knowitall...

Prince of Sea Manafi

Manafi Lover I think
you have to suscribe to google with the url of the thread then type in some keywords such as 'how to get feebas' then you hope that its on the front page.


Flash script

Where could i learn about flash script, i'm have been search for hourss and couldn't find anything;078;
thanks you very much


New Member
If you've got a GMail or a Google account, you can use their Google Base service which is still in beta right now. http://base.google.com/

Basically, you just upload your information such as an article, and for your friends to find it, all they'd need to do is type "<Article Name> <Your Google Account Name>" in the Search bar at the bottom of the link above. An example would be "How to catch a feebass Joe Smith" and your article should come up as the first search item.