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Stuff ^^;

^Request thread here

Ok, well, after a long while of avoiding serebii because of homework, i'm back and I have a lot of weird stuff I made on MS Paint to show off o.o; These aren't really sprites, they're much bigger than the sprites in the game, but I kinda like them and I want to know what people think of them ^^;


A pidgeot I did thats kinda..err...weird colored? Took me about 6 hours to do on MS Paint from scratch


Espeon~ Also made on MS Paint from scratch like all my other pokemon. This one took me about 5 hours to do


A Mareep thats also oddly colored x3 This one, I sketched out on my sketch pad, scanned it, resized, outlined, and colored. Took me about 4 hours


This is a background I made, using 12 colors =D I really suck at the mountain shading, but I really like the grass. This evil thing was also made from scratch and took me...about 12 hours of staring at my computer screen

I can't make them transparent because I have no idea how to do that ^^; But yah...I would love your opinions and suggestions and i'll post more stuff later~
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Sure x3
Just remember to give credit~
I'm working on another background right now...
Foresty @-@
Trees = Hard


Macho man!
LOL. These are awsome! My favorite is the mountain scenery. I just think the rocks on the right need to be rounder and need an outline on the leftside of them.
Sure x3
Oh, if anyone is wondering what FFN stands for, its FireFoxNinetails, my old username here and my username on gaia xD
-rolls out of thread and goes to work on homework-


I love the mountain scenery!It looks good, even though the rock thing on the side looks like a wall.Could I please use the scenery in an RPG I have?I'll be sure to give you full credit.Can't wait for your next one!
K ^^
I'm currently working on making a weird...err...piece of pixel art thing ^^;
I thought some people might enjoy this, so I decided to post it
Sorry for double post everyone ^^;
I started with the outline and put down some colors I wanted to try

I didn't like the dark brown, so I tried to replace the colors with the game colors

I went and started on the mountains, clouds, sky, and grass

I hated the shading for the clouds so I fixed it

Whoooo Mountains, here we go!

Stopped because I hated shading mountains and started on grass

Went back to mountains, shaded more, killed some of the darker areas, and finished~
-nod nod-
But really, I had no idea where I put my light source xD
I think its like...at the center, but i'm always terrible at choosing a light source and shading in the right direction
Ok, I just enjoyed this so much I had to post it:

Yah yah, I know, I rushed D:
The lines are horribly shakey and the background is terrible
This was a request thingy I did for gaia ^^;
I'll post it without a background...eventually...
Yah, I couldn't believe it myself
But if you want proof, count and look at all the steps I did to make it o.o


Chaotic Dreamer
The Mountians look pretty nice, but they're very light... I do like the clouds though. The pixel arts are great, though I would suggest that you use just a little bit less dithering; things like feathers and the gem on the end of Marrep's tail should look shiny, not rough. The reflection on the (Umreep's?) Mareeps face looks far too.. sharp, the pink should be disperesd and should cover most of the face and some of the wool, legs and ears with a soft glow of pink. Here, it is like a laser pointer, traveling in one straight line and touching only what is directly in front of it. Unless... That may be the way its suposed to be, if they work as a light house becon?