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I made a TC. Here it is:


Should I change anything? Remember, if I'm gonna change a Pokemon, it has to be one that Ash had in Kanto.


I made a TC. Here it is:


Should I change anything? Remember, if I'm gonna change a Pokemon, it has to be one that Ash had in Kanto.

uh...all the pokemkon are mashed together,you should seperate them,or put them in the boxes,cuase now it looks like a jumbled pokemess,
But no boxes makes it cool IMO. And besides, there's no room if I seperate them.
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try puting them like this:


just put the pokemon a little closer to ash
Good idea. Will do. Will post update one once done.

Edit: http://i12.*******.com/2ikzkvm.jpg Is that better?
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