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Ok.... I've gone through some stuff, and I have some outlook on why my post didn't show up but I'm still confused a bit

I wanted to make a club.....

I put in post thread and everything..... but its not up ... i dont understand....


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong, since I tend to steer clear of the Clubs section. However, from what I've read, clubs have to be checked by a mod before they're put up, which tend to take a while.

EDIT: Yes, they have to be checked. The Club Rules can be found here, if you have any other questions.


Queen of Charizards!
It may take at least a day or two. I'm sure your clubs will be approved. And I hope I can join them too, if there stuff I like
darn... will they tell you if its not validated???

edit: and is there a chance they the mods could validate it??? because I saw an eeveelution take 5 club and and eeveelution take 6 club
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No... that would be way too insane if they personally went and told everyone why their thread wasnt validated. Its not hard to figure out anyway.. either the thread exists, its spam, wrong section, doesnt follow the rules.
edit: and is there a chance they the mods could validate it??? because I saw an eeveelution take 5 club and and eeveelution take 6 club

thats when they restart the club over and the old version is closed. In other words, its still just one thread on the topic.
new club created... flying pokemon fan club... checked the index... didnt see it

edit: re read the rules... its all good

edit again: been three days and it hasnt shown....what did i do wrong now????
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