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Good at Life.
Ubers are those legendary pokemon whose stats are just WAY higher than anything else in the game and therefore, broken in tournament play.

Just take the stat totals (like how Mew and Celebi have 100 in each of their stats) of the pokemon in question .. if the total is 600 or more, the pokemon's an uber. Blissey doesn't count, but it is just as annoying as any of the real ubers.
Pokemon with overpowered stats such as Mewtwo,Kyogre,Groudon,Rayquaza, Ho-oh, Lugia, Deoxys


Powerplay Champion
oh yeah, and the new azureous is gonna be in a new classification, super uber
total base of over 700!!!

Fiend Ryu

Title Pending
some people say that an urber can be a really strong non-legendary pokemon like blissey and wobbuffet

Wobbuffet is classified as an uber. Blissey is not because of it's poor stats in everything except HP. And to Goldilop, of course Aruseus will be uber...it was pretty obvious when we all heard it was the "God" of Pokemon, and besides it's a Legendary.