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  1. M

    Question about unlimited TMs

    Hi! I am making a list of generation IV TMs that are not limited in number. As items are transferable through the Pal Park, I need some information about the unlimited TMs in generation III too. In the Trainer Hill of Pokémon Emerald, some of the possible rewards for the completion of the tower...
  2. bobandbill

    3rd Gen Help Thread

    Ask your questions about the 3rd generation games RSE and FRLG here! Once it is compiled and remade, please check the FAQ thread (for now check the existing FAQ thread stickies) before posting your question. Note that there is a Contest Guide thread, and a Battle Frontier Info thread...
  3. L

    Problems: Trade Colosseum to Sapphire

    Hey there, I am currently having the following problem: I am trying to trade my Pokemon from Colosseum to Sapphire. I finished Colosseum already and trading from Colosseum to LeafGreen does work. Connecting to Sapphire it works until my team on the Sapphire version is tested. As soon as the...