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  1. matt0044

    Digi-Tail Fusion: Quest For The Code Crown Pilot

    Lisanna Strauss considered herself the baby of her siblings and not one to stand out in Fairy Tail. However, a vivid dream promises the extraordinary from the seemingly ordinary. Digi-Tail Fusion by matt0044 Prologue: Premonition To Adventure Story Adapted From Riku Sanjo Darkness covered...
  2. cherry_bomb_bees

    Pokemon Crossing: Fly Me To The Moon

    “What kinds of trainers do you see yourselves becoming with these starters by your side? Where do you see yourself in the future? What new horizons do you see yourselves reaching?” This is Pokemon Crossing: Fly Me to the Moon. General Info: Crossover between: Pokemon and Animal Crossing...
  3. Umbramatic

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Tales Of Arrival (PMD X Tales Of Symphonia)

    This fic is rated Teen for blood, mild gore, adults doing adult things like drinking and swearing, and some dirty jokes and such. About time I had another B fic huh? (Greenhorn Prometheus doesn't count, it was a three-parter that was written out ahead of time, shhhhhhhh) So, this is a fic...