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  1. edlago

    LF: Marshadow (Not Looking Anymore)

    I'm not looking for anything anymore but I'm not sure how to delete the entire thread/topic. Sorry.
  2. gabz

    Help With Dex Completition

    Hi! Im looking for -Croagunk -Toxicroak -Zamazenta -Squirtle -Heracross -Skrelp -Dragalge (Shield exclusives) and a couple of trade evolution Pokemon. I can trade you whatever youre looking for and help with your dex completition as well. I can give any of them back if you want, just want them...
  3. ohjeezitskim

    LF: Swanna, Whirlipede, ect for living dex || FT: Apri/Bank ball mons

    I'm looking for these pokemon (that we would have to trade within Pokemon Home besides one) Swanna, Whirlipede, Zebstrika, Chingling, Cherubi, Wormadam, Kriketot I have a spreadsheet of all my bankball mons. I will have to breed almost all of them as requested except for some spares that I get...
  4. T

    In need of Sword Exclusives to complete Dex

    I need the following to finish up my dex. I could really use the help! Seedot (either keep or breed) Stonjourner (either keep or breed) Solrock (keep or trade back) Passmian (keep or breed) Mawile (keep or breed) Rufflet (keep or breed) Gothita (keep or breed) Scraggy (keep or breed) Farfetch'd...
  5. Emboar_Rulez

    Dex help

    Hey guys I’m trying to complete the dex and could appreciate it if anyone could trade me the following: Feebas Milotic Sylveon Appletun Slurpuff Aromatisse Whimsicott Rhyperier Escavalier Accelgor Stableye Trevenant Turtonator Drampa Pinurchin Dracovish Arctovish Zamazenta I...
  6. Z

    LF Shield exclusives & Zamazenta touch trade

    Touch trades are all fine I have, as a reward for the effort: - 6 IV English Vulpix with love ball - 6 IV English Eevee with luxury ball - 3 IV English Shiny Eevee with regular pokéball - 4 IV Spanish Ditto