• Hi all. We have had reports of member's signatures being edited to include malicious content. You can rest assured this wasn't done by staff and we can find no indication that the forums themselves have been compromised.

    However, remember to keep your passwords secure. If you use similar logins on multiple sites, people and even bots may be able to access your account.

    We always recommend using unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication if possible. Make sure you are secure.
  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
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discord issues

  1. BoyFromBelgium99

    I can't access Serebii Discord

    Hello pokémon fans, I'm new here. I don't know why but for some reason I can't get access to the Serebii Discord server. I can go on Discord's other servers like from twitch and youtube streamers. For some time I thought about this being a bug but now it's over a couple of months. Can it be I am...
  2. GamingGuru51

    Discord Ban Appeal

    Hello! I am TheGamingGuru51 over on the Serebii discord server. I was recently banned either earlier today or yesterday evening from the server and I was wondering if there was a way to get unbanned? I’m assuming I got banned from offering a 6iv Regieleki in the trades section. If banned for...
  3. X

    Banned on Discord?

    Hello, I noticed that I was banned from the discord and I don't really know why, nor was I given any warning or questioned about anything beforehand. My username is Xerotripz#5637. I think I deserve a chance to defend myself or atleast get warned before just being banned? I'm pretty sure my last...
  4. A

    Banned on discord?

    Hi, it seems that I got banned from the discord server. Discord name = Armend (0275-3338-1905) #3906 As I have not seen any message regarding my ban, I am not sure what the reason of this ban is. Regardless I apologize for any inconvinience and hope this matter can get solved, as I really...
  5. I

    Banned from discord?

    Your name: iceman440#8834 Your host: Chatroom: Discord Operator in question: Anyone? Kick message: No message Time and date: Like 2 hrs ago Logs: Unavailable. Not sure why I was kicked. I got no message or warning
  6. C

    Discord Ban??

    Your name: CrimsonFcker#4341 Your host: N/A Chatroom: Discord Operator in question: Not sure. Was offline and when I came back I couldn’t get back on. Kick message: No message Time and date: 11/24/2019 at around (maybe) 12pm to 2pm Central Time Zone (USA) Logs: I don't have the logs because I’m...
  7. S

    Banned from discord?

    this apparently happened sometime in the last 2 days... idk when because i wasn't even online when it happen. i was given no warning... or explanation.. i just woke up today and i cant find the serebii discord on my app, and when i try to rejoin it it says i am "banned" can i ask what exactly...
  8. G

    Unable to join Discord: Invite expired

    Hi! I have been using Serebii discord without any problem until today. For some reason it seems I was kicked out and if I try to join back I get the following message “Invite expired: the instant invite is invalid or has expired” Is anyone else experiencing this same issue? How could I get it...
  9. Ceriv

    Ban: How long?

    Aloha. Title says it all. I was banned from the discord chat without a warning and would like to know if i will get unbanned and how long the ban will last. Thanks in advance.
  10. G

    Banned/Kicked from Discord

    Can someone please tell/show me why i can not go on the discord server? The invite doesnt work.