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  1. Mythical-Moonlight

    Favorite Pokémon Designers?

    As the title suggests I was curious who does this board have as their favorite Pokémon Designers? Supposedly these are all of the confirmed designers so far according to Bulbapedia: https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/User:Altruis/List_of_Pokémon_by_their_designers I think of all of...
  2. KibaLG8

    Casual Control Issue

    Idk if its correct to make this thread here but who uses Casual Controls(1 Joy Con)? I loved the concept in Lets Go and was glad it returned here. Im glad i have a 4th way to play my game(Docked/Handheld/Tabletop) Currently I am playing in the Wild Area mostly on my Sword playthrough, doing my...
  3. Shadow_Trainer

    Gamefreak Interview Surfaces That Proves Our Worst Fears

    A Youtuber by the username of SilphSpectre has found a recent interview from a programmer at Gamefreak saying that the company is no longer prioritizing Pokemon, but instead on original games. Here's the video link: This explains a lot of the problems people are seeing in Sword and Shield and...