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  1. ~Yoshi~

    Shiny Charm Affection (Fossile and Gift Pokémon)

    Hey, I wanted to ask if the Shiny Charm also affects fossil Pokémon. I'm pretty sure it doesn't but you don't find an exact statement on bulbapedia/serebii/... The only clue I get is that "it affects Pokémon in the wild and if they are bred", so that means Gift Pokémon and fossile Pokémon are...
  2. Joycap

    The PFT USUM Alolan Giftlocke - first come, first served.

    Not gonna lie, this has been an idea that I've wanted to do for a while, but the person I was going to do this with could never find the time (he's busy due to all the COVID shenanigans). USUM Players only. Full details...
  3. F

    Lf alolan vulpix

    hi, im new to the forum it’s my first time posting. I was wondering if anyone wanted to give me an alolan vulpix. I’m playing a seventh gen game for the first time and i’d love to have vulpix early on in my team. I’m sorry to disappoint, but I have nothing noteworthy to trade for it at the...
  4. S

    Extra Shiny Poipole Codes in Trade for Zeraora Code

    Hey, everyone! I wasn't able to pick up a mystery gift code for Zeraora in time, however I do have a couple extra codes for Shiny Poipole if anyone else has an extra Zeraora code that they would be interested in trading with me?