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  1. Navarchu

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Heroic Dreamers

    Summary For reasons he doesn't understand, Shiron got another go at life. Now in a brand new world, the human-turned-Marshtomp embarks on a journey to find himself and become a hero, alongside new friends. All the while, a question keeps making its way to his head: "Am I good enough?". Chapters...
  2. Navarchu

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon - Liberators of Fate

    Summary Follow this grand adventure with two brothers on a quest to start their own independence and bring freedom to Pokémon everywhere. Growing up in a world that wasn't always so kind to them, the duo knows one thing for certain: they must move forward. Along the way, the siblings need to...
  3. Crybaby Sobble

    Are you upset with the lack of team chemistry in Ash's Team?

    Unlike the previous series and the others, we have not seen active interaction between Ash's team.Like say Gengar has literally appeared only three times since it's capture episode and also it is not seen interacting with Dragonite and the others.Dragonite too is not seen to interact with...
  4. S

    Riolu with 5iv with UltraBall

    I am looking for Riolu 5iv with UltraBall (Jolly if possible) I am giving it away Rufflet 5iv Jolly PM for receive code UPDATE: Trade Completed
  5. 0

    Explorers of Destruction: Volume 1

    Chapter 1 A riolu walked up to the job board, eyeing a small handful of requests pinned to its dull, wooden surface. It became a daily routine for Oran the riolu: Everyday after training, he looked for something challenging, something to get his blood flowing. By the time he...