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  1. D

    Didn't know this about Zekrom

    Zekrom's design is said to be a lot like a nighthawk from the kkk. Can't wait till I open Twitter one day to see this being a reason to cancel Pokemon.
  2. Smackle123

    Is a Meltan worth it?

    I recently got a Meltan in a trade for an old Zekrom from pokemon white I had and was wondering if it was worth it???
  3. Mega Ampharos the Dragon

    My little rant on the first Trip and Ash battle (You know which one)

    So, I always hate how people always say that Pikachu shouldn't have been defeated by Snivy. You would be right but I feel there is always a forgotten part of this episode, Pikachu was weakened badly by Zekrom. Zekrom basically overcharged Pikachu, weakening it quite a bit and because of that...
  4. Shadow_Trainer

    FT: Pokemon Event Codes

    FT: x1 Latios/Latias Code(Exp: 12/21/18) x2 Zekrom/Reshiram Code(Exp: 1/28/19) x1 Shiny Poipole Code(Exp: 12/20/18) x3 Zeraora Codes(Exp: 1/24/19) x1 Ho-oh/Lugia Code(Exp: 2/28/19) LF: Shiny Latios/Timid/31 ivs in SpAtk & Spd at least Shiny Zorua/Timid/Extrasensory/Perfect ivs except in Atk at...